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Disable Automatic Windows Updates

Disclaimer: Welcome to Manual Windows Updates. From now on, windows wont sneaky update your laptop without your permission. Since this is manual update, the End-User needs to check for updates manually everytime. A well rewarded hassle in the end

Windows 11 Pro

Creating the registry to enable Manual Updates

  • Open Windows Search and type in regedit or registry editor, right click on it and open it as administrator
  • Navigate to
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE –> SOFTWARE –> Policies –> Microsoft –> Windows –> WindowsUpdate –> AU

    If you do not have the AU folder, you will have to create it: Right click on the Windows Update folder –> select “New” –> Key. Rename the newly created folder to “AU”

  • After clicking on the AU Folder, on the right side there will be a tab with Name, Type & Data. Right click inside it and hit New –> DWORD (32-bit) Value. Rename the created Registry to AUOptions , double click on it and set its value data as 2 and Base as Hexadecimal. (Value as 2 = to notify before downloading an update)
  • Repeat previous step and create another DWORD (32-bit) Value, renaming it to AutoInstallMinorUpdates. This time setting its Value data to 0. (0 = to treat minor updates like the other updates (by default windows is silently installing these minor updates))
  • Create another DWORD (32-bit) Value called NoAutoRebootWithLoggedOnUsers and set it’s Value data to 1 (1 = The user decides whether to restart or not to restart his/her computer (by default windows would choose to restart in the next 5 minutes))
  • Create final DWORD (32-bit) Value called NoAutoUpdate and set it’s value data to 1 (1 = Disabling Automatic Updates (this is by default enabled))

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Group Policy Editor

Close Registry Editor and head towards the search box once again and type gpedit.msc (this will only work for Windows 11 Pro users, for Home version see below) Head towards

Computer Configuration –> Administrative Templates –> Windows Components –> Windows Update –> Manage updates offered from Windows Update
  • Double click on Select when Preview Builds and Feature Updates are received set it to Enabled and in the box below, where it asks How many days you would like to postpone an update before your device receives it type 30. This will make sure that you will always receive stable updates and not their unstable new version that might contain issues/bugs and so on.

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  • Again in Group Policy Editor, head over to
    Computer Configuration –> Administrative Templates –> Windows Components –> Windows Update –> Manage End-User Experience

    look for the Configure Automatic Updates double click on it and set it to Disabled. This will prevent Windows from downloading updates automatically for you.


  • For Windows 11 HOME users, following this guide will help you add the Group Policy Editor to your windows and you will be able to do the above guide just like the Pro users.

Windows 10 Pro

Group Policy Editor

  • Type in the windows search box gpedit.msc (Group Policy Editor), open it as administrator by right clicking on it and proceed the following route
    Computer Configuration –> Administrative Templates –> Windows Components –> Windows Update

    Look inside for an option called Select when Preview Builds and Feature Updates are received double click on it and set it to Enabled and in the box below where it says Preview Build – Fast set it to Semi-Annual Channel.

  • Again in Group Policy Editor, head over to
    Computer Configuration –> Administrative Templates –> Windows Components –> Windows Update

    look for the Configure Automatic Updates double click on it and set it to Disabled. This will prevent Windows from downloading updates automatically for you.


For Windows 10 HOME users, following this guide will help you add the Group Policy Editor to your windows and you will be able to do the above guide just like the Pro users.

DO NOT FORGET TO REGULARLY (once a month – recommended) TO HIT THE CHECK FOR UPDATES BUTTON! – We are not responsible for your problems if you do not bother updating for a year and then you get a ton of updates waiting when you press check.


This method is for preventing Microsoft from pushing you broken updates for your Windows 10/11, BIOS Updates and GPU Driver updates automatically causing new issues everyday. Before every time you decide to hit Check for Updates it is recommended to run WUShowHide by clicking “Hide Updates” and if it scans and finds anything called Firmware/BIOS or Display Driver (AMD or NVIDIA) it is recommended to check the box for them and hide them to prevent any further conflicts that might appear. Windows installing them will only bring issues or overwrite your current drivers. Check this video for help with Wushowhide.

Bid farewell to broken updates


  • kirakenchin