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Create New Section

Sections can be seen as equivalent to categories. The section you are currently on is called Contribute and serves as a guide on how to add content to the wiki.

Creating the directory

Sections are served from a directory where markdown files are stored. They are created in the root of the site.

Name the section key

The section key will be referred to as sectionkey for the purpose of this guide. Your key should closely match the section name you intend to create.

To get started, fork the main branch of the wiki’s repository on Github. Click on add new file.

You will be greeted with a text editor. Name the file _sectionkey/

This will create a directory called _sectionkey and file called

The directory name and the file name should match and should contain no spaces. Preceeding _ underscore and the file extension .md are important.

Add Front Matter

Copy and Paste this onto the top of the file. Replace sectionkey with the key of your section. If you want, add a description too between the double quotes "".


layout: collection
title: Section Name
description: "Section Description"
nav_exclude: true
permalink: /sectionkey

# Section Name (Can be different from the title and permalink)

You are free to add content in markdown if you want to.

Save Changes

Scroll Down and click on Commit new file to save your changes.

Configuring the section

After creating the directory and index, you have to tell Jekyll that the folder is a section. Navigate to the root of the branch and look for the file named _config.yml.

Do not use tab for indendation in the config file, use space instead.

Locate the collection array

In Jekyll, sections are defined as a sequence / array called collections. We need to add a new entry that defines the collection and it’s metadata.

Press Ctrl+F or Command+F if you are on a Mac to bring up the search function. Type in collections:. It should bring up a search result that looks like this.


  # Define a collection named "guides", its documents reside in the "_guides" directory
    permalink: "/:collection/:path/"
    output: true
  # Define a collection named "contributes", its documents reside in the "_contribute" directory
    permalink: "/:collection/:path/"
    output: true

Add the new section

To add your new section, replace the sectionkey with the name of your key and place it according to the order it should appear on the Laptop Wiki side bar.


  # Define a collection named "sectionkey", its documents reside in the "_sectionkey" directory
    permalink: "/:collection/:path/"
    output: true

For the purpose of this guide I will be creating the section with a key laptops and place it between guides and contribute. The final output will look like this.


  # Define a collection named "guides", its documents reside in the "_guides" directory
    permalink: "/:collection/:path/"
    output: true
  # Define a collection named "laptops", its documents reside in the "_laptops" directory
    permalink: "/:collection/:path/"
    output: true
  # Define a collection named "contributes", its documents reside in the "_contribute" directory
    permalink: "/:collection/:path/"
    output: true

Configure the theme to use the section

Next look for the sequence named just-the-docs. It should have a sub sequence called collections.


  # Define which collections are used in just-the-docs
    # Reference the "guides" collection
      # Give the collection a name
      name: Guides
      # Exclude the collection from the navigation
      # Supports true or false (default)
      nav_exclude: false
      # Exclude the collection from the search
      # Supports true or false (default)
      search_exclude: false
    # Reference the "contribute" collection
      # Give the collection a name
      name: Contribute
      # Exclude the collection from the navigation
      # Supports true or false (default)
      nav_exclude: false
      # Exclude the collection from the search
      # Supports true or false (default)
      search_exclude: false

We need to add our section here, replace sectionkey with the key and add it matching the order it should appear on the side bar.


    # Reference the "sectionkey" collection
      # Give the collection a name
      name: section Name
      # Exclude the collection from the navigation
      # Supports true or false (default)
      nav_exclude: false
      # Exclude the collection from the search
      # Supports true or false (default)
      search_exclude: false

Using our previous example of laptops it should look like this -


  # Define which collections are used in just-the-docs
    # Reference the "guides" collection
      # Give the collection a name
      name: Guides
      # Exclude the collection from the navigation
      # Supports true or false (default)
      nav_exclude: false
      # Exclude the collection from the search
      # Supports true or false (default)
      search_exclude: false
    # Reference the "laptops" collection
      # Give the collection a name
      name: Laptops
      # Exclude the collection from the navigation
      # Supports true or false (default)
      nav_exclude: false
      # Exclude the collection from the search
      # Supports true or false (default)
      search_exclude: false
    # Reference the "contribute" collection
      # Give the collection a name
      name: Contribute
      # Exclude the collection from the navigation
      # Supports true or false (default)
      nav_exclude: false
      # Exclude the collection from the search
      # Supports true or false (default)
      search_exclude: false

Save Changes

Scroll Down and click on Commit changes to save your changes.


The new section should now be added. Recap what you have done -

  • There exists a directory called _sectionkey
  • The directory has an index file named
    • The permalink is set to /sectionkey
  • Necessary changes have been made in _config.yml
    • sectionkey is added to collections sequence
    • just-the-docs > collections have been updated with the necessary meta data to reflect the new sectionkey

Open a pull request detailing why you think the section is important.


  • nonkerdoob